Hundred Year Vacation In A Word In A Mouth



05 August 2012


If you are in Lincon/Omaha/surrounding areas this applies to you:

Friends and Fans of UUVVWWZ!!! 

Teal and Harrison are making a music video for a new song off of UU's forthcoming LP!

We are staging a mud fight in a TBA location on August 12th! We are going to start at 11am sharp and dance and sling mud all day! There will be water and snacks provided!

We are also looking for volunteers to BRING SHOVELS & WATER TO LOCATION///

Anyone with the following that they are willing to contribute to the video please contact Teal or Harrison on facebook!

-Any open field that we can use to shoot on!
-Muscle for mixing things!
-Trucks or cars that haul things
-Free Dirt with little debris
-5 Gallon Water cooler



23 June 2012

summer shows & some are festivals


Friday, June 29 --  Omaha, NE Slowdown Maha Showcase w/ Dirty Talker & Bus Gas | Free
Saturday, June 30 -- Lincoln, NE Zoo Bar w/ Big Language & KING THUMP3R | $4
Tuesday, July 3 -- Omaha, NE Waiting Room w/ Icky Blossoms & Depressed Buttons | $7
Friday, July 13 -- Omaha, NE Waiting Room w/ Dim Light, Solid Goldberg & Dads | $7
Friday, August 3 --  Elkhorn, NE Hulabaloo Music Festival w/ A LOTTA BANDS
Friday, August 11 -- Omaha, NE Maha Music Festival w/ A LOTTA BANDS (


08 June 2012

"this is gonna be fun getting weird on these"

This is transmission is being sent from recording & I am standing in the control room with Jim in tracking room wearing headphones and a successful farming hat. He is about to record a guitar track for our song, entitled "No Apart." The engineer is JJ Idt, who's ears are also covered with headphones. Without overstating the significance of this evening, I can safely say that there at least something afoot; we are recording our first album in 2.45 years!!!! The summer is outside, the lights are dim. Play full volume, Jim Jam. Play it on up, my red hatted friend of 10 years. Wires wires wires! We are all talking through headphones! Best of luck! Hollow Body! Love to you! With various sighs from me, of pure adoration. UUVVWWZ out! For now!

04 February 2012


Saturday February 11, Midnight
Part of "Lincoln Exposed" Festival
Bourbon Theatre Rye Room, Lincoln NE
W/ Dirty Talker (11:00), Tie These Hands (10:00), etc..
*Check the link to the facebook event below for the entire schedule and various ticket prices

Tuesday February 14, 9pm
Valentine's Day Show
The Zoo Bar, Lincoln NE
$5 or $4
*If the Zoo Bar was an actual zoo, and our planned Valentine themed cover songs were animals - the zoo would have 3 animals, 1 being exotic.

Friday March 9, 10pm
Part of "Good Speakers Presents" Festival
Yia Yia's Pizza, Lincoln NE
W/Slumber Party Record's Bands TBA
$FREE for this venue. $7 for all other

March 31
TBA, Barley Street Tavern! Omaha, NE

April 22
Earth Day Celebration
Rococo Theatre


Thanks to everyone for coming out to the show last week. It was really nice to see everyone there. I didn't think we'd be able to fit everyone inside.. and then we did! All 7 billion of ya. The entire world's population at our show.
Really cool.

More on that in Teal's post below.

01 February 2012

Ambrosioa Sweet NECATARZ

---------------------------->>>>>POOF!<<<<<<<<<<<_click click click click ---------------------+++++

Above is a nice writeup & photo essay about the show we played last weekend. There are still a few zines left, and a few shirts left. If you want me to mail you a package deal of 1 shirt + 1 zine, I will do it. I will do it until they are all gone. And you might get presents unnamed in the package. The whole thing would cost $12. If you live out of the US, it would cost more due to shipping.

Well? Comment with your email address & we'll see what we can do.

All of the shirts & zines are gone! I will let those of you who weren't mailed anything know when we have more things to send out!

20 January 2012





Picture of Practice Space:

